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 bdosptr()               MS-DOS System Call

 #include   <dos.h>

 int        bdosptr(dosfun,arg,dosal);
 int        dosfun;                      function number
 void       *arg;                        DX or DS:DX values
 unsigned   dosal;                       AL register value

    bdosptr() invokes the MS-DOS system call specified by 'dosfun' and is
    used for calls that require a pointer as an argument.  'arg'
    specifies the value of register DX in small data models, and of
    register DS:DX in large data models.

       Returns:     The value of AX after the system call, if successful.
                    On error, -1 is returned and 'errno' and '_doserrno'
                    are set.

         Notes:     In the large data models (compact, large and huge),
                    bdosptr() must be used instead of bdos() for system
                    calls in which the argument is a pointer.

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements use the DOS string display function
    (function 0x9) to print "Hello world.".

           #include <dos.h>

           char *world = "world.\n$";

               bdosptr(0x9,"Hello $",0);

See Also: bdos() harderr()
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